

Ichi 1
Ni 2
San 3
Shi 4
Go 5
Roku 6
Shichi 7
Hachi 8
Kyû 9


Hajime start
Yame Stop
Kôtai rotate, change
Men o tsuke put on men
Men o tore take of men
Mô ichidô again
Mô ikkai again


Rei and etiquette

Seiretsu line up
Seiza/Chakuza sit down in seiza
Shisei o tadasu assume correct posture
Mukosô meditation
Shômen ni rei bow to the front of the dojo
Otagai ni rei bow to your fellow students
Sensei ni rei bow to the sensei
Rei bow
Onegai shimasu please practice with me
Dômo arigatô gozaimashita Thank you (for practicing with me)


Parts of the shinai

Kensen tip of the shinai
Nakayui leather thong at 2/3rds of the shinai
Sakigawa leather cover on tip of shinai
Sakigomu plastic plug in the tip of the shinai
Take bamboo slat
Tsuba hand guard
Tsuba-dome stopper to hold tsuba in place
Tsuka hilt
Tsukagawa leather cover on hilt
Tsuru thread indicating blunt part of the shinai


General terminology

Ashisabaki footwork
Bokken/Bokutô wooden sword
Tachi sword
Kodachi short sword
Fudôshin Onverstoorbaarheid
Kamae posture
Keiko practice
Kiai vocalisation of spirit
Ma-ai distance between self and opponent
Motodachi receiver of strikes (teacher in exercise)
Uchidachi attacker (student in exercise)
Sensei teacher
Seme psychological pressure
Shinai bamboo sword
Taisô warm up
Waza technique
Zanshin state of mind and body in which one is alert and ready to respond instantly